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Miniaturka MTV
Marek Podlecki wyzywa babcie klozetową (bo chce zrobić kupe)
Marek Podlecki wyzwał babcie klozetową, z powodu, że chce zrobić kupe. (2 738x oglądano na YT)
okejki 1 · 4 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Why they hate PewDiePie
The absolute state of the mainstream media right now. YouTube demonetizes all of my videos. Support my work here: Twitter: Facebook: Minds: (690 645x oglądano(…)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Two Marches: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion
Sign the petition to DEFUND Planned Parenthood: Within 24 hours there were two very different marches in Washington, D.C.: The March for Life and The Women's March. The annual March for Life is the largest event focused on stopping abortion in the world. It's peaceful, prayerful and respectful. (…)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Eating A $10,000 Golden Steak (24k Gold)
YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS GOLDEN STEAK TASTED LIKE! BEAST APPAREL - Four people that buy merch from during the month of January will be randomly selected to compete in a "Last To Leave" challenge. If you want a chance to be in a video, buy anything off the site before the end of January! SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG Outro song re(…)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Good Parenting Is White Suprem*cy
Protect your online privacy and security today- use the only VPN I trust. ("ALLSUP" for 35% off) Being a good parent and doing everything for your child is the most natural instinct in the world. But according to leftist academics, if you're white and care about your child, you are complicit in- you guessed it- "white supr*macy" MORE RESPON(…)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Good Parenting Is White Suprem*cy
Protect your online privacy and security today- use the only VPN I trust. ("ALLSUP" for 35% off) Being a good parent and doing everything for your child is the most natural instinct in the world. But according to leftist academics, if you're white and care about your child, you are complicit in- you guessed it- "white supr*macy" MORE RESPON(…)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Braids on German girls is RIGHT WING EXTREME now
Things are going dystopian communist really, really, fast now. (59 115x oglądano na YT)
5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Żona robi mu wyrzuty o granie postacią roznegliżowanej laski
Krótkie streszczenie: Facet gra w grę. Żonie się to nie podoba. Ona marudzi, on jej pocisnął i... ona zareagowała.
okejki 219 · 58 158x · komentarze 142 · 5 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
White Privilege, from an Asian perspective.
SUBSCRIBE // COMMENT // NEW VIDEOS DAILY Why don't Asians complain about White Privilege? We're a minority group, a silent minority group, yet we happen to be the most affluent racial demographic in America. Here's my take on it. Support me on Patreon: Discord: Donate: Newsletter: (…)
5 lat temu